October 29, 2008

Crust of the Bread...

When I was a kid my mother always told me that i had to eat the crust of the bread. I remember her saying, You do not know the hardness of life until you each the crust She was taunting us to eat the crust... not my favorite, but i did because it made her proud of me (or so she said).

I bring this up because my mother is older now and ill and living with me. I made her lunch the other day and she said to me, can you please cut the crust off... hmmmm

As a kid it was important to eat the crust but if you are old I guess you earn the privilege to not have to eat it anymore. I guess she already knows the hardness of life. I smiled as I cut the crust off of her bread. And it is a natural occurrence now, no crust for gram.

October 17, 2008

Bye Sooz

I cannot believe that tomorrow will be my cousin's Memorial service. My cousin who often told me I was the big sister she never had, who I just talked to last Friday. She met with an untimely death last weekend. It is just one of those things that you can't get your mind around. The possibility was always there but still in all, the phone call was shocking. I can only describe it as I did when my brother passed away at 55... it felt like a punch or a kick in the gut... well it happened again with Sooz.

Sue just turned 50 on October 7th and never got to deal with getting older or that over the hill feeling. So sorry to see you go so quickly. And sorry to see you leave your precious kids behind. We will love them and we will keep in touch with them and share with them the Susan of a better day, a happier day, a lighter day.

Rest in Peace, WE LOVE YOU Sooz.

October 13, 2008

Feeling really old...

Boy I am feeling old. Prior to October I was feeling really good; I was dieting and more importantly I was exercising. I was on a special exercise plan... working out with the weight machine or cardio workout (riding my stationary bike or walking on the treadmill). I was working out at least 1/2 to an hour each day and feeling great, I might add.

Then October began, I started feeling really bad, no energy, then I started with a head cold. After a week of Z pack of antibiotics I headed back to the doctor feeling worse... not better. Well more antibiotics and a set of X-rays. Well the X-rays showed a massive sinus infection, and yes... more antibiotic's. Coughing and hacking yes back to the doctor again, I pulled a muscle coughing.

FEELING REAL OLD. needless to say no cardio and no weights so I am just laying around. I know rest is needed to get well but I feel like a lump and I lost all my exercise momentum.

I guess my body is telling me to let go of some of the stress... or it will make me.

Oh yes, I am on the last DVD of season two of LOST.


October 05, 2008

Cannot get Well...

A week ago today I started my re-lapse and after a week of rest and two different antibiotics I still feel horrible.

I am not sure if the pain in my chest in from the bronchitis or plursey or from coughing for a full week, but when I breath in my chest aches.

My plan today... lay low for yet another day (or two) and if I don't begin to feel better by tomorrow I will call the doctor again.

I did accomplish one thing... I watched the whole first season of LOST. That was fun revisiting that... there were a lot of things that I missed (or forgot) from the first season.

October 01, 2008

Biggest Loser Update

Well I have been extremely sick this week... really bad upper respiratory infection. Horrible just horrible; ears clogged, throat raw and burning, hacking cough... and oh yes when I do cough I feel like I am being stabbed in the chest and back.

This is actually a relapse from a month ago and actually the relapse is much worse then the first time. I cannot remember being this sick and certainly not twice in one month. I feel I am just too run down with things.

Anyway, I missed the weigh in today at work, so I don't know how everyone else is doing but I think I am on target. Fifteen pounds for the first month... YEAH me!