May 15, 2003

Hello everyone- Today is Thursday May 15th the start of finals and while I know that the students are stressed, we instructors are happy and pretty much done with things. There are somethings to grade but for the most part we are on the downward slope of the stress hill. Now I am looking forward to a month off to get packed and hopefully move before I need to get back here and teach a session of summer school.

The end of this semester is especially sweet because next semester I will have the entire semester off wa-hoooo!!!!

It is funny that the students don't realize that we are as burned-out and ready for the semester to end as they are. Happy to almost be done. Happy to be here, but happy to be done too.

May 01, 2003

Semester drawing to a close and we all have summer fever. Not just the students all of us. I am looking forward to time off to work on MY NEW HOUSE yaaaaaaaaa